Thursday 30 June 2022


Dear Readers,

It has been really a long time since I wrote something on this blog but still thank you for staying. A lot of things happened in between 2017 to 2022. I will write them all here one by one, just bare with me please. I have wrote a Nepalese poem today. It was actually a reply to one of my friend’s poem but it itself became a separate poem. Hope you enjoy it. 

“आशा” meaning Hope.

आशै-आशमा  अडेको  जिन्दगी,

नत्र  गन्तब्य बिनाको यात्रा हुनेछ जिन्दगानी।

नलगाउनु भार कसैमा स्वयम् ईच्छापूर्तिको

नगर्नु भर कहिल्यै सम्पूर्ण आशापूर्तीको।

गरिन्छ आशा उनैसँग जो सँग मनको गाँठो बाँधिएको हुन्छ,

भनिन्छ यो मन  चन्चल  आज के  भोलि के आश गर्नेछ। 

आश गर्नु परिवारको सुख-शान्तिको,

तर नथुपार्नु भार आफ्नो सन्ततिमा आशैआशको।

जागेर आउँछन् मनमा अनेकौं आशाहरू

विलिन हुन्छन् भावनाको भुमरीमा ती नमिठा आभासहरू। 

गर्नु आश सुर्यको तापको ग्रीष्म ऋतुमा,

नगर्नु चिन्ता श्रावने भेल नै देखा परेमा। 

श्रि क्रिष्ण भन्छन् कर्म गर्नु तर फलको आश नगर्नु

 भन्छु आश गर्नु तर मेरो गोरूको बाह्रै टक्का चैं नभन्नु।

Please use Google Translator to translate the language if not do message me and I am happy to explain it to you. 

My poems are usually based on life experiences and knowledge. Stay tuned for more.

Feel free to comment, guide and advise me. 

Many Thanks,


Thursday 18 May 2017

Throwback:Flight to Calgary (Alberta) 2016

Greetings all my readers,

It has been a long time since I wrote anything in my blog. I just got lost in the day to day activities of my life. I did not realise I have not written my blog for more than 2 years already. Time flies. Those who still read my blog randomly thanks to all of you.

Today is another post about random things in life. When I say life, it is a big word to explain in a small blog. We have many occasions, incidents, moments happening in every aspects of life. Often we tend to remember the ones which are either bad ones or good ones or the ones where we experience or learn something in life.

It seems like yesterday when me and my older sister went to visit our younger sister in Calgary, Canada. Memories are still fresh in my mind although 9 - 10 months have already passed by in the blink of eye. I miss her. Sisters are the best thing ever. My older sister lives in London so never felt the need to miss her but now she has gone for short visit to Canada and they are together there, I miss both of them and wish I could be there. Suddenly, I went to flashback where we went for a trip to Banff and Jasper National Park, Alberta. It was a sisters' reunion after 3 years.

We started our trip from Gatwick Airport, which I hated from the beginning cause it is so far in comparison to Heathrow Airport. Since it was prime time for flights, we tried to buy the cheaper ones in a budget airline. Later on, me and my sister regretted flying from it cause it really ruined our long flight experience. No proper food (cold and no option), no blankets, no ear plugs, nothing like when we used to fly from Qatar Airways to Nepal. Then we had a transit in Toronto, Canada. I seriously missed the planning and well managed Heathrow airport there. Somehow, after long queue we managed to go through the immigration just to face another problem. We flew from international airport and Calgary was a domestic flight. Guess what? We had to check out, claim our baggage and check in for domestic flight to Calgary again. Oh lord. The woman in the counter says,'' Can you put your luggage in the weighing machine.'' There is no such thing as 'PLEASE'. And then just as I was doing it she again says,''Can you hurry up we got other passengers too''. I was annoyed this time and told her ,''Yes ma'am I do have a flight to catch too.'' Then we had to queue up for another security check. I honestly thought that we were gonna miss our next flight cause it was so slow and everyone were not bothered at all. To add to problems, they stopped us because we bought a bottle of black label scotch whisky from duty free which was not properly sealed by this sales assistant in Gatwick Airport. That took another half an hour although we had proper sales receipt in there. Finally, thank god we reached the aircraft. Yeah and forgot to mention that the flight was delayed already and landing at Toronto was a bumpy ride. The scene from the aircraft window was nothing much then ocean and clouds.

Now came the second part of our flight to Calgary; Toronto to Calgary, Alberta. To be honest, both me and my elder sister were tired by then and it was sleeping time in London already. Again, same old cold food and some snacks. God knows how much I missed home made rice and curry. This time atleast the view was good. I saw more land this time but very big ocean like lakes. The flight was just more than 4 hours, so excitement to see our little sister was getting high. Through the clouds I saw more and more land. We flew in morning from Gatwick and it was still daytime in Calgary, amazing earth. As we were nearing landing, weather got out of control. I could see thunderstorms and dark clouds. I guess we were flying in the sky for more than half an hour to get the landing permission. Again, it was a bumpy ride to land. From sky-view, Calgary looked really big city which was in blocks. We passed through security and all and then came time to collect our luggage. Since the airport was going through some renovation, we had to find our luggage elsewhere. I tried to turn back from one point and a big siren went off, that was a no-return point. We walked and walked and walked but the baggage claim hall is nowhere to be found. We walked until we came out where our sister was waiting along with her hubby and brother. So, excited to see her and we forgot about the luggage thing. To my surprise, we saw the baggage claim hall, haha. I never saw any baggage claim hall in a place where everyone has access to. We received our luggages and headed to her home which was not too far. And that concluded our flight to Calgary. Overall experience, we survived the budget flight and the long journey.

My personal experience, if it is a long flight, save a little more and spend a little more on good airline. We knew what we opted for and did not expect much but to go through it was not really a good experience. I can manage budget flight for short distance like going to Europe or within the UK, but distance which covered 3564 miles, you would definitely go for a bit better option. Becareful what you buy in duty free, make sure you keep the receipt and it is sealed properly. Well if you do opt for budget flight then things to keep in mind are:
* Do not expect five star treatment (although they were nice crew in our flight)
* Keep your favourite snacks, chocolate bar or fruits in your handbag (nothing big)
* Have your own flight goodie bag (pair of socks, eye masks, neck support, ear plug)
* I always buy a bottle of water from duty free cause I drink more water.
* Have your own music for example ipod or fully charge your phone for music.

This time my elder sister took a direct flight to Calgary via British Airways and I haven't heard any complain from her. Thank you all for being patience and reading my blog.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

नयाँ आशा, नयाँ नेपाल

अहिलेको नेपालको शेकाकुल अवस्थामा म भलाकुसारी गर्न चाहन्न, क्रपया मलाई माफ गरिदिनुहोस्। नेपालमा भुकम्प गयो तर सायद सारा नेपालीले महसुस गरे, विदेशमा रहेकालेपनि। राम्ररी सुत्न सकेका छैनन् ति देशप्रेमीहरु। िवदेश बस्नु एउटा मजबुरी हो वा आफ्नै मनखुशी जवाफ दिन गाह्रो तर जाहाँ बसेपनि नेपालीलाई आफ्नै देश प्यारो। म बेलायतलाई ह्रदयबाट धन्यवाद दिन्छु किनकी बिगत १३ सालदेखि मलाई गाँय-बास र कपाएस दिएको छ; तर म जहाँ जन्मेकोछु त्यो म भुल्न सक्दिन। तिमी दुबै देशको सम्मानलाई आँच आएको म देख्न सक्दिन। अहिले नेपाल आमा मुश्किल र कठिनामा छिन्, मेलैकेहि गर्नसके मन हलुका हुन्छ। सकेसन्म गर्दैपनि छौं। सबै नेपालीहरुको साथ देखेर मन भावविभोर भई खुशिको आँसु बहे झैं लागिरहेकोछ ।

मेरो हार्दिक समबेदना छ ति सारा अमर आत्माहरूलाई जसले आफ्ना ज्यान गुमाउनु पर्यो, ति परिवारहरुमा मेरो आत्माबाट सान्तवना छ। मन रोई रहेछ। भन्छन्- आयो-टप्प टिप्यो-लग्यो-मिती पुग्यो-टारेर टरेदैन त्यो। जहाँपनि छन् सबै मिलेर उनिहरूको आत्मालाई चिर शान्तिको कामना गरौं । स्रष्टिको नियमालाई कसैलेपनि नकार्न सकिन्न।

हामी यसरी नै आपसी मेलमिलापमा बस्यौं भने हामी कसैले नजर उठाएर हेर्ने आँटपनि गर्दैनन्। एक सुन्दर नेपालको आशा, निर्माण र सफल्ता चांडै देख्न पाऊँ। ति दिवगंत आत्माहरूपनि नयाँ नेपाल देखेर हर्षमा बसुन् ।

नेपाल आमाको रोदन र क्रन्दन कसैले सुन्न सकेका थिएनौ,
कतै ति पौराणिक मठ मन्दिर र धरहरामा अल्झेर बसेका थिए कि थाहै पाएनौ,

उनका छातिले कति भार थाम्नु, हातहरुले कतिलाई सम्हाल्नु,
देशलाई खोक्रो बनाउनेहरू कतिलाई आश्रय दिएर राख्नु,

सर्वस्य छोडेर ८० बर्षपछि जुरमुराईन् उनि, भक्कानो छोडेर रोईन्,
हामीलाई बल्ल चेतना भयो, यति सारो उनिले सहेकि रहेछिन्,

नेपाल आमा तिमी दु:खी नहोऊ, आफ्नो आँसु पुछेर घाम झैं हाँसिदेऊ,
आउँछ नयाँ नेपालमा उज्वल ज्योतिको जनभावना, त्यसैले तिमी खुसी भईदेऊ,

अब तिम्रा सन्तानहरू एक भएकाछन्, आपसमा मिलेर एकअर्कालाई साथदिईरहेकाछन्,
जातभात, ढुलोसानो, तेरोमेरो, हिमालीतराई केहि नभनि हातमाहात मिलाएर काम गरिरहेकाछन्,

आमा तिमीले सिकाएको ज्ञान पायौं हामीले,
अबदेखि तिमीलाई माया गर्छौं र ख्याल राख्छौं सबैले,

आखिरमा तिमी रहे हामी रहन्छौं र हाम्रो अस्तित्व र पहिचान,
सदा जगेर्ना गर्नेछौं तिम्रो आस्था, अटल राख्छौं तिम्रो स्वाभिमान ।।
जय नेपाल।

Friday 1 August 2014

Be a trendsetter; be proud!

Hello everyone,

Welcoming August already, time flies. I am posting something different today. Sometimes my mind works in a different pattern. Every now and then I tend to do some things which is out of my daily league.

I was just going through my old dresses and clothes. I came across this lovely piece of cloth which I bought few months back. I actually wore it as saree (Nepalese people wear it). But now I really do not feel like wearing it again as saree, does not appeal my taste. So, suddenly a sense of creativity hit my mind. It is not the first time I have done this. Back in Nepal, I used to ask tailor to create the dresses as I wanted. It is something that gives me KICK, hehehe (pardon me, just repeating the dialogue from a latest Bollywood movie Kick).

I say be a ''trendsetter''. We all believe that we are different than others and we are unique on our own ways. I am not a fashion designer or professional tailor nor did I took any lessons for any cutting or sewing. I only know how to do simple stitches and simple sewing things. In my opinion, we should wear what suits our mind and body not what suits others. We should be in the attire that gives us comfort and the satisfaction of wearing it.

Here are the photos of the different ways of wearing the same piece of cloth. 'Polka dot' has always been my ever loved style. Be your own boss, be creative, be imaginative and enjoy your freedom.

Hope you enjoy reading this post. Thank you!!!

And yes please don't be surprised if you see my photos or me walking around wearing these dresses hehe.

 Cheerio limshaku :)

(Live life to the fullest)

Please ignore the background. This piece of saree does not cost a fortune!!!

Sunday 27 July 2014

5 Miles Milestone; Walk for Nepal, London 2014

Hello there,

Tried to paint my nails as Nepalese flag! 
Greetings to my readers. A sunny and warm welcome in this sunny July. Yesterday, 26th July 2014 was a well spent day for me. I had the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. As planned, I set out early morning from home and headed towards one of my most favourite park Richmond Park, Surrey. This time I was going there for a purpose; a good purpose for my country Nepal and its people. The Walkathone was organised by GMIN UK. This was the second programme so far I suppose. The registration fee was £10 and I had done it in advance. I thank Pratikshya for the FB invitation. There were 4 more charities involved: YouthNepal,, Live for Change (I raised a mere £25 for them, thank you for my contributors) and Nepalese Nursing Association UK.

We reached Richmond Park on time but it was difficult to find the right location where the bandstand was, unable to get the right direction, me and my sister roamed around the big park. We already walked 2 km by then. Late but not left out, there were still people who were lost and just got there. I was happy to see there are still people who were going to do the walk. A leader called Peter lead our group and we started our journey. There were children, women and men who were so determined to do the charity walk. I met members of It was pleasant talking to them and we shared a lot of information. After the completion of less than one third of the journey I came to find out that the whole walkathone was 5 miles not 5 kilometer. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. Its not the feeling that I cannot do it, its just that my mind was not ready for it. I decided to continue anyway because it was not a good idea to leave things incomplete. There were little children walking faster than me how can I just quit.

Love for Nepal

We all tried to stick together and walk in a group. The sun was really in favour of us, may be too much in favour. It was really hot. At times I felt like I was walking in the roads of Kathmandu. The leader, I thought who was responsible for all of us was not actually a leader. He told me he came there just as us, interested to do charity walk. He did had the right map and he did try to encourage us when we were tired and all. I could see everyone walking with smile on their face and determined to complete the charity walk, may be it is the love for our country and its people. We might not change the whole country but atleast we tried to do a little change. We did raise the money for chairty which helps Nepalese people. 

We reached the point where we started our walk and concluded our journey. It was a great feeling of achievement and accomplishment to get the certificate and complimentary sandwich hehe. 

I congratulate everyone who completed the walk and contributed something for our country. Hip, hip, hurray!!! We are all winners. I hope the money raised for this good cause goes to the right people and change their lives forever for good. If I can change atleast one life, I feel happy that I have done something. I am not a leader or socialist or billionaire; I am just a simple girl who is trying to bring a small change in someone's life through this charity walk.

Lastly, I would like to thank the organisers, the contributers who donated for me, the people who walked with me and my sister for supporting me. Ofcourse, there were many tweet people, instagram friends and my friends and colleagues at work wished me luck and gave me advices which helped me a lot. I need the same support and encouragement for another walk 10K in September. Till then cheerio.

Thank you for reading.
limshaku :)

Tuesday 22 July 2014

My Visit to Nepal 2014 - Fight against time


Hello everyone,

Greetings from London, hope all of you are doing great.

Recently, I visited my home country Nepal for few weeks. To tell you exactly about my experience hmmm, it was great meeting someone we love so much. It was good feeling seeing smiles in faces. It was refreshing to smell cool morning breeze, it was blissful feeling to hear sound of bell in temples, even normal tea would feel different. I am not extremely religious person but I do like to visit temples, and I have visited my favourite ones again this time. It gives me so much peace to be there, the serenity of being in that vicinity keeps my heart at ease, mind free from anything else. The smell of scented sticks bring the different fragrance in my mood, there is so much hope and new ray of lights I find. Battling with afternoon scorching heat was one another thing, forget about putting on makeup in your face cause the amount of sweat from your body washes it away naturally. We might need umbrella to give us shade during rainfall but we do need it in that hot temperature otherwise heat in just landing straight onto your head. All those delicious food, for example momo (dumplings), sekuwa (roast meat), Thakali food, Newari food, etc teases your taste buds. We can never really find the same taste here in UK. I really loved having a evening stroll in my hometown Bhainsepati. It is so fresh and rejuvenating. I travelled in different form of public transport such as local bus, microbus and taxi and paid very very less amount of fares in buses and microbuses. Taxi fare was expensive but the fare I paid for bus and microbus was very less, I suppose less than 10p per mile. The roads were wider and cleaner than last year. Very happy to see roads to Bhainsepati in between Nakkhu Dobato (Ring Road) and Nakkhu pool pari was so smooth and nice, with road marking haha.
Sunset reflection in Fewa Lake

We packed our bags and left for unplanned journey to Pokhara, another beautiful city and a major attraction of Nepal. It was frustrating yet exciting experience to get stuck in traffic as there was a landslide which blocked the way. Our cheeky driver jumped the long queue from time to time. Again the daytime sun was releasing so much heat the I was sweating and all my veins starting swelling up. Just when I thought we got out of the landslide there was another traffic jam because a lorry has broken down. I remember the traffic updates in my car while I was driving in London streets,'' M25 is blocked clockwise at junction 9 due to a broken down lorry''. There was no escape route anywhere; one side was the fierce River Trishuli and other side was big hill. Finally, we reached Pokhara around 3 or 4 pm. It was still hot there. This could be one of the Highway story I would remember from nowonwards.

Pokhara is ever so lovely. I loved evening strolls and fresh wind blowing through the Lake Fewa. Spending time at Busy Bee, Club Amsterdam and watching football till late was so fun much. We hired a scooty and went to Sarangkot, Pame, Dam side, Davis Falls and different places, got our skin tanned. There was definite mark between what was exposed to sun and the mark which was hidden behind our clothing. I am ever so much grateful to my people who welcomed us with open heart and big wide smiles at Club Amsterdam, invited us for lunch, guided us to go to places. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention about Lake Begnaas. Thank you brother for lovely lunch at 'Air Nandoj Restaurant', that was delicious Peri-Peri chicken we had. Also thank you for lending your driver and a car; we enjoyed being chauffeured around. The water in Lake Begnaas was so clean and warm; tiny fishes came to tickle us when we had our feet dipped into the water. Roaming around Pokhara brought back all memories of being there a year before.
Begnaas Taal

This time round, I found a lot of Chinese, Indian tourists in comparision to last year. Back in 2005, the first time I went there, I did not see any Chinese or Indian tourists. To my surprise I met a lot of British tourists too. I found it a bit exciting to meet British people in my country. World Cup was not so exciting for me cause Italy lost the match.

Met so many lovely people there. This shopowner lady told me her story of how she works so hard to support her family. Waking up at 5am and get things done at home, feed son, send him to school, open the shop, do the sorting out, close the shop late and still go home and cook and do all the household chores. Hmmm people do have difficult life. People always take life for granted. There are many people deprived from many things in this world we must know that we should know the life we are living could always be somewhat better than somebody else's life. I am not talking about Bill Gates or Richard Branson or Laxmi Mittal here. :) We might not be as rich as them but I am pretty sure the freedom we have, the life without paparazzi, the life without threat, the life without millions of employees to lookafter, a freedom of speech, a life where we can laugh without any hesitation would be worth living.

One hot day, I was just roaming aroung Basantarpur (Darbar Square), went into the museum too.  I enjoyed being on my own. I felt like I was tourist myself cause its been many years since I last visited that place. It was nice watching all those royal collections of Late Nepali  Kings but on the other hand, I was saddened by the picture of King Birendra and his last photo. May his soul rest in peace.

I could not finish this post without mentioning about Kathmandu itself, Capital city of Nepal. Hanging around streets of Kathmandu was fun as well as hot. I enjoyed roaming around Thamel, listening to music at HardRock Cafe, having afternoon brunches at Potala Restaurant (owned by my bestie). I also visited NARAYAN HITI Royal Palace this time. I really liked how the rooms of the palace were named after the names of the districts of Nepal. Everything felt so Majestic but the charm of the palace is gone. There is no King and family to live in that place anymore. Felt a bit sad.

Now going back to topic, I must say after sometime I wanted to come back to London. Not because I wanted to come back so desperately, it was purely because I had so much work pending. Taken extra time off from work the unscheduled one, too many things to sort out, my car's battery would go flat anytime soon, and I wanted to resume back to my work sooner. Honestly speaking, I am still in holiday hangover mood. I do not feel like working at all. I do not know why I felt that I was fighting against time in Nepal. I could not sit in one place, I had to do something. If I would just sit around for 5 minutes doing nothing, I would feel like oh no I am wasting my precious time. May be I am so used to working environment now. I aimed to do so many things in Nepal but only few were done.

Saying goodbyes were hard but for me they are part of life now. I do not cry in departures cause I like to remember the special moment as smiley faces. Cheerio my country Nepal. I will visit you next time probably when the Ring Road project finishes. Hopefully, it would be smooth experience to drive around 8 lane Ring Road. :) And last but not the least, extending my thanks to all the restaurants, hotels, cafes, every other tiny places for providing FREE WiFi service to us, I got the most out of it. yayyyyyyyy

Thank you for reading!!!


outdoor BBQ, yum
Nau tale darbar ko Aankhi Jhyaal 

Loved hanging around 'Kathmandu Coffee' with free WiFi

Natural treatment by fishes of Begnaas tall

Monday 10 February 2014

I bow down to love, I bow down to you.

Hey ya all,

I thank you for reading my blog once again and I hope I haven't disappointed you too much. Without wasting your time, I am posting this little piece of sort of poem yet an article.

Hope you feel the feelings connected to it. Cheerio limshaku

I bow down to love, I bow down to you!!!

I bow down to love,
I bow down for love,
I bow down to be loved,

No matter how hard I tried to put a poker face,
Couldn't resist my eyes filling up with tears.

No matter how hard I tried to forget your absence,
Couldn't deny my heart pumping up with your name.

No matter how hard I tried to decorate a smile and be brave,
Couldn't help myself crying out loud in sleeps.

No matter how had I tried to face the consequences,
Couldn't stop my mind thinking of you not even for a second.

No matter how hard I think of living a life so long,
Couldn't imagine my journey without you.

I bow down to love, I bow down to you,

I do not bow to your ego, I do not bow to your anger,
I do bow to your love, I do bow to your care,
I bow down to love,
I bow down for love,
I bow down to be loved.

In life we still feel blessed to love and be loved. Lets hope All Is Well for all of us.

Live life to fullest.

limshaku :)


Dear Readers, It has been really a long time since I wrote something on this blog but still thank you for staying. A lot of things happened ...